June 8th: Location Details

Join the Enough is Enough counter-protest on June 8th, at 1pm on Strand, London.

June 8th: Location Details

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign is holding another march through central London on Saturday June 8th, and the energetic Enough is Enough team is organising another counter-protest.

The EiE counter will be located by Central Church of the Royal Air Force which is at Strand, London, WC2R 1DH.

Meet there at 1pm.

Some Our Fight members will also be there, so please come and say hello. Others will be involved in another activity nearby; if you are interested in that, then please get in touch.

Details from the Enough is Enough team for their counter-protest:

Hello everyone 👋
We are getting ready for our big watermelon 🍉 celebration
📅 Saturday 8th June
🚩 Central Church of the Royal Air Force, Strand, London WC2R 1DH
Nearest tube-
🔺Chancery lane
In order to make the festival complete we ask you please to bring with you a watermelon 🍉 can be the actual fruit a balloon a beach blowups or anything that comes to mind.
We ask that you'll write on it Country of origin: ISRAEL .
One more thing is that we ask all of you attending on Saturday to be ready to turn your backs when the Jewish bloc 🤮 banner pass by us.
It's very important to remind them they really don't represent anyone...
Looking forward seeing you all Tomorrow (Saturday)
join us as the watermelon strikes back
Enough is enough team
Link for donations:
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enough_is_enough_ldn
X: https://x.com/EIE2024