Promoting Remaking the Promise of Never Again

Thank-you for helping to promote our upcoming symposium, Remaking the Promise of Never Again. On this page you will find graphics to share on social media, the correct links for ticket purchases, and templates for posts, emails and web pages.
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On Sunday February 9th, campaign group Our Fight will hold a symposium titled Remaking the Promise of Never Again in partnership with British Friends of Israel and Spiked. It will be hosted in a large, hospitable north London venue, and will also be live-streamed.
The event will focus on the urgent task of re-stating the centrality of anti-Semitism to the Holocaust at a time when the unique horror of the Shoah is in danger of being forgotten, appropriated and ultimately weakened. This cannot be allowed to happen—the Holocaust must not be reduced to a banal and generalised lesson in the wrongs of bullying, hatred and prejudice. Its significance is too great.
We have a strong line-up of passionate and expert speakers, with more to be confirmed. The audience will be fully engaged across all three sessions, with plenty of time for discussion and networking.
12.30pm to 1.30pm
Tea and coffee (with special thanks to The Blair Partnership)
Refreshments and networking.
1.30pm to 3pm
Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and Genocide
Opening lecture by journalist and commentator Jonathan Sacerdoti, with journalist and author Daniel Ben-Ami as discussant. Chaired by BFOI co-founder Dr. Jan Macvarish.
3pm to 3.45pm
Tea and coffee (with special thanks to The Blair Partnership)
Refreshments and networking.
3.45pm to 5.15pm
Have the Arts Failed the Holocaust?
Panel discussion with Marc Cave, director of the National Holocaust Centre and Museum, actor and playwright Jeremy Kareken, poet Jeremy Robson and sculptor Flor Kent.
5.15pm to 6pm
Refreshments and networking
Bagels included for those attending the whole event.
6pm to 7.45pm
Remaking the Promise of Never Again
Plenary featuring Brendan O'Neill, Spiked's chief politics writer, and author of After the Pogrom: 7 October, Israel and the Crisis of Civilisation, in conversation with Our Fight founder Mark Birbeck.
7.45pm to 9.30pm
Drinks Reception (with special thanks to The Blair Partnership)
All ticket holders are welcome to join us for the drinks reception.
Tickets are available here. For security reasons the full venue details will be provided on purchase:
I hope you can join us on the day as well as helping us to promote and publicise it in the week ahead. Please forward this email to others, to share it in newsletters and to share the link above.
If you require additional materials such as graphics and other templates, please follow the link below. This page will always contain the most up-to-date information.
If you have any questions or ideas for spreading the word, do get in touch.
All the best,
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With Spiked's chief politics writer Brendan O'Neill providing an evening plenary, plus an opening lecture from Holocaust historian Professor Philip Spencer—in discussion with journalist Jonathan Sacerdoti—the event is set to make a significant contribution to reorienting debates around the Holocaust.
The symposium will focus on the urgent task of re-stating the centrality of anti-Semitism to the Holocaust at a time when the unique horror of the Shoah is in danger of being forgotten, appropriated and ultimately weakened. This rewriting cannot be allowed to happen—the Holocaust must not be reduced to a banal and generalised lesson in the wrongs of bullying, hatred and prejudice. Its significance is too great.
The symposium is being held in partnership with British Friends of Israel and Spiked, and will be hosted in a large, hospitable north London venue. It will also be live-streamed.
1.30pm to 3pm
Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and Genocide
Opening lecture by journalist and commentator Jonathan Sacerdoti, with journalist and author Daniel Ben-Ami as discussant. Chaired by BFOI co-founder Dr. Jan Macvarish.
3.45pm to 5.15pm
Have the Arts Failed the Holocaust?
Panel discussion with Marc Cave, Director of National Holocaust Centre and Museum, actor and playwright Jeremy Kareken, poet Jeremy Robson and sculptor Flor Kent.
6pm to 7.45pm
Remaking the Promise of Never Again
Plenary featuring Brendan O'Neill, Spiked's chief politics writer, and author of After the Pogrom: 7 October, Israel and the Crisis of Civilisation, in conversation with Our Fight founder Mark Birbeck.
7.45pm to 9.30pm
Drinks Reception (special thanks to The Blair Partnership)
All ticket holders are welcome to join for a drinks reception.
For security reasons the full venue details will be provided on purchase.
Tickets, sessions and full biographies are available here:
tag: @spikedonline @marccave @Oct_Declaration @HolocaustCentUK @janmacvarish @karekenj (in photo) plus @jonsac @TBP_agency

With Spiked's chief politics writer Brendan O'Neill providing an evening plenary, plus an opening lecture from Holocaust historian Professor Philip Spencer—in discussion with journalist Jonathan Sacerdoti—the event is set to make a significant contribution to reorienting debates around the Holocaust.
The symposium will focus on the urgent task of re-stating the centrality of anti-Semitism to the Holocaust at a time when the unique horror of the Shoah is in danger of being forgotten, appropriated and ultimately weakened. This rewriting cannot be allowed to happen—the Holocaust must not be reduced to a banal and generalised lesson in the wrongs of bullying, hatred and prejudice. Its significance is too great.
The symposium is being held in partnership with British Friends of Israel and Spiked, and will be hosted in a large, hospitable north London venue. It will also be live-streamed.
1.30pm to 3pm
Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and Genocide
Opening lecture by journalist and commentator Jonathan Sacerdoti, with journalist and author Daniel Ben-Ami as discussant. Chaired by BFOI co-founder Dr. Jan Macvarish.
3.45pm to 5.15pm
Have the Arts Failed the Holocaust?
Panel discussion with Marc Cave, Director of National Holocaust Centre and Museum, actor and playwright Jeremy Kareken, poet Jeremy Robson and sculptor Flor Kent.
6pm to 7.45pm
Remaking the Promise of Never Again
Plenary featuring Brendan O'Neill, Spiked's chief politics writer, and author of After the Pogrom: 7 October, Israel and the Crisis of Civilisation, in conversation with Our Fight founder Mark Birbeck.
7.45pm to 9.30pm
Drinks Reception (special thanks to The Blair Partnership)
All ticket holders are welcome to join for a drinks reception.
For security reasons the full venue details will be provided on purchase.
Tickets, sessions and full biographies are available here:
collaborators: @burntoakboy @spiked_online @marccave @jonathansacerdoti @karekenj
mention: @nationalholocaustmuseumuk @theblairpartnership_agency