Upcoming Events (2024-05-02)

Qatar - Their Lives Are In Your Hands
When: May 5th, 2.30pm
Where: Embassy of Qatar, 1 South Audley St, London, W1K 1NB (register)
Who: The 7/10 Human Chain Project

From the organisers:
Time to Take a Stand‼️
Recent videos of hostages in Gaza serve as a stark reminder: it’s time to act!
Join us this Sunday alongside powerful speakers as we demand: BRING THEM HOME! NOW!
It’s time for Qatar to choose which side of history it stands on.
Qatar - Their Lives are in Your Hands! 🩸🩸🩸
Don’t forget to register so we can plan accordingly: www.710humanchain.com/qatar
The rally is coordinated with the police and CST informed.
The 7/10 Human Chain Project Team
Donate here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=D7EY8SEW5RCNU
March of Life
When: May 6th, 2.45pm
Where: Covent Garden near Southampton Street (register)
Who: March of Life and CAAA

From the organisers:
Walk with us this coming Bank Holiday Monday as we say no to antisemitism, commemorate the Holocaust and celebrate Jewish life.
Christians, Jews and their allies will gather in London in a truly powerful display of love and unity.
Last week we saw the Holocaust memorial sculpture covered over to ‘protect it from the peaceful pro Palestinian marches’, we are witnessing exploding levels of antisemitism even hearing police threaten to arrest a man who looked ‘openly jewish’ as he was walking on Saturday - we find this totally unacceptable so call upon everyone to join us as we March for Life.
To give us an idea of numbers please register your attendance here:
For more information visit:
www.caaa.info - organisers and
See you soon,
From Jihadism and Antisemitism to Zionism: in conversation with Noor Dahri
When: May 7th, 6pm
Where: Online (register)
Who: CAMERA on Campus UK

From the organisers:
Join CAMERA on CAMPUS UK as part of our This is Zionism campaign for an informative and unique in-conversation between our Exeter University fellow, Sena Rojin-Cantay, and Noor Dahri, Director of ITCT. Noor will share his story of going from Jihadism and Antisemitism to Zionism.